Paul came up with a brillant idea to store some of our boat stuff that had been sitting on the floor in our place. He went to Home Depot and picked up a piece of sheetrock and built what you see below. The gray straps are what usually holds up the hard top of my jeep so since the hard top is on the jeep now, we were able to re-purpose this for what we really need!

Here it is all pulled up to the top of the ceiling. Piled on top of it is the seat and cushion that goes on the back of the boat as well as all the cushions and mattress pads. We also have up there all the canvas that is usually on the boat but when the boat got all wrapped up, you have to take all the canvas off the boat. So the Jeep fits nicely beneath the pile of boat stuff and I don't have to see everything piled up on the floor in my house. I love you Paul!

When we got home from our weekend in PA, we found this in the mail box!!!

SUCCESS! The long awaited, boat registration has been finally been received from DNR. I can't believe it. This was not without pain and misery trying to make this happen. But here it is in all her blue glory... the long awaited stickers to put on Reel It In Panary.
She's finally LEGAL.