Sunday, December 30, 2007

She's All Wrapped Up!

It was the day after a snowy night. We'd gone out to the boat to start the winterizing process and much to our dismay, this is what we found....

Reel it In Panaroy was soooo cold. She had ice all around her and she was covered with snow.

Here is paul out on the bow trying to clear off all the ice and snow before we move her. We had to get the "poop" tank pumped out before the winterizing man came. It took us about 2 hours to get her cleaned up and the canvas off but we did it.

By the end of the day, she was taking a ride on the lift to her new dry dock parking spot. Sniff sniff.

Here she is all wrapped up like a Christmas present. It's going to be a long 5 months until she "comes out". I can't waituntil we can put our name on the boat. It just got too cold after we got the "sticker" to put on the back. So it will just have to wait until spring.

She looks so big outside of the water. The company that did the shrink wrap did a great job.

Here is what she looks like from the inside. They place these 2x4's to create the circus tent look.

Here is Paul going down under to check on things. He's already counting the minutes.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Captain's Log - 12/1/07

It was a windy wavy day...

Faron gets us set up....

The loot. Hmm.....

Fishing is officially retired fo the season.
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