Monday, October 29, 2007

3 Hour Tour....

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this Delaware Marina, aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mightly sailin' man, the Skipper brave and sure. One passenger set sail that day for a three hour tour. A three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed.

If not for the courage of the fearless crew, Reel It In Panaroy would be lost. Reel It In Panaroy would be lost.

The ship set ground in the slip of this charted marina, with Nancy and the Skipper too!

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Now this is blog of the Royston's, they're here for a long, long time, they'll have to make the best of things, it's an uphill climb. The first mate and the Skipper too, will do their very best, to make the others comfortable, in the Chesapeake Bay's nest. So join us here each week my friends, you're sure to get a smile, from two new boaters who wish they were cast-a-ways, here on

Reel It In Panaroy.

Here she is:

It wouldn't be right if there wasn't more drama involved in our quest to be boat owners and our first night on the boat was full of it. We pulled into the slip and thankfully, Faron and Mickey were there to help with the lines (being that it was my first time and all). After tall stories of our venture and a quick bite to eat at the local diner, we watched a little Rock Star and decided it was time to sleep.

First thing to figure out was how we were to be "arranged" on the bed. Head to the right (starboard), head to the left (port).... did Paul have enough room across the bed? We decided head to the left (port).. that way, we can see the TV from the bed.

At 2am while we were fast asleep... the CO2 monitor started to go off. I immediately shot right up. OMG! For those of you who don't know... Carbon Monoxide is the "silent killer". My advice to you? Don't read the CO2 manual at 2 in the morning. CO2..... we're gonna die! We gotta get outta here and right NOW! So at 3am, we took our pillows and sleeping bags and slept on our friends boat on B dock. Luckily they had given us their key "just in case".

The next day, we investigated further and have come to the conclusion that the device was faulty. We were not running anything and therefore it should not have gone off. We switched out that monitor for a different one and the adventure continues.

Monday, October 15, 2007